Do The Homework first before stepping into the job market

For recent graduates as well as for aspiring candidates the job market is initially a very confusing place for this we generally called it a daunting place. There are different Industries, Sub industries, or Companies Which can make a candidate Superhero or It can land him/her life in jeopardy and ruin their entire career.
In the starting phase itself if they are little bit careful on this part it can be easily bypassed and can enhance their chances of success and make a smooth transition into the competitive job market which ultimately will reward them for their invested time and efforts they put in study.

Based on our expert’s analysis and experiences below are some of the reasons that you may need to think beforehand –

Choose the right industries for you

Being a mature candidate you must think whether the industries/Companies you stepping into are suited for a “like you-minded” person. Do your proper research before entering. Do your study on different types of industries and try to find your areas of interest and which suit you best.

Money is temporary – Learning is Permanent

For freshers at the initial stage prioritize the learning you will get Because this combination of learning with experiences will help you to reach your dream closer.Take some online/Offline courses on the expertise you already have and stick with those skill set in your initial freshers days. Don’t confuse with your friends skillset or any recommendation

Spend some time on your Resume

Your resume is the key things that the interviewers or HR will first see before they meet you in person , So make a perception about you before you meet them . and make it more attractive and simple with to the point. Don’t make any unnecessary noise on your resume which can confuse your interviewer. Remember your character , Your skill set , You and your resume should be in Sync.

Early start of Interview Prep. and softskill

Presentation is one of the key things that nobody can promptly get for this you need to practice so start your presentation skill and mock interview presentation in a very early stage. Because it matters a lot.
beside your technical expertise soft skills are equally important. which include effective communication, teamwork, time management, adaptability, and critical thinking. Engage in activities that help you refine these skills, such as participating in group projects and taking up leadership roles. These skills will not only make you a valueable candidate but also a extra add-on in your personal growth.

Increase Networking for your interest domain

Start talking with the people who are already in the same industries you are looking for so that you will get the insight and start preparing now. Don’t be shy or afraid to ask questions if any question comes to your mind find the answer anyhow because nobody knows that small questions or curiosity can be a big thing in the later stage.

Stay updated with the Industries news

It will make you more in advance level when you start to gain knowledge on what happening insight into the industries now and what is the current upgrade. Because the market is changing so quickly that we never think of so always stay up to date on the trends and absorb this.

Beware of Fake reviews/advertisements

There are plenty of fake reviews or advertisements running in the country which can easily ruin a future, Do always research multiple sources and do deep research.

Utilize the Skills you already have

Brush up your existing skillset and explore more on more on those skill sets before entering into any companies/industries, You will be treated as a game-changer for the Company and success is just waiting for you.

Use the Online free Resources available to you

Before entering do some online courses for your areas of interest, because once you into the job you will not get that much of time to learn or spend time.

Your Ultimate Guide to Preparing for FAANG Company Interviews


FAANG is a term that refers to a group of IT companies (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google). It is a dream for many to work in these organizations. These tech giants are renowned for their innovation, exciting work environments, and competitive compensation packages. However, getting through their rigorous interview process can be a challenging task. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for FAANG company interviews, equipping you with the necessary skills and knowledge to stand out from the competition.

Understand the FAANG Company Culture

Before diving into interview preparation, it is essential to understand the unique culture of each FAANG company. Take the time to research their core values, mission statements, and recent developments. This knowledge will help you align your answers with their company ethos and demonstrate your genuine interest in their organization.

Enhance Your Technical Skills

Technical competence is a critical aspect of FAANG interviews. Focus on sharpening your coding abilities, algorithmic problem-solving, data structures, and software design concepts. Leverage online platforms, such as LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal, to practice coding challenges similar to those posed in FAANG interviews. Additionally, consider reviewing fundamental computer science concepts through resources like “Cracking the Coding Interview” by Gayle Laakmann McDowell.

Master Data Structures and Algorithms

FAANG interviews often include questions that assess your understanding of data structures and algorithms. Familiarize yourself with common algorithms, such as sorting, searching, graph traversal, and dynamic programming. Moreover, practice implementing data structures like arrays, linked lists, trees, and hash tables. Online courses like Coursera’s “Algorithms, Part I” or MIT’s “Introduction to Algorithms” can provide in-depth knowledge and practice opportunities.

Solve Mock Interview Questions

To simulate the real interview experience, solve mock interview questions regularly. Platforms like, Pramp, and LeetCode offer mock interview sessions with experienced interviewers who provide feedback on your performance. Use these opportunities to identify areas of improvement and refine your problem-solving strategies.

Develop Strong System Design Skills

FAANG interviews often include system design questions to assess your ability to design large-scale systems. Familiarize yourself with system design concepts such as scalability, load balancing, data modeling, and distributed systems. Study real-world architecture patterns and be prepared to discuss trade-offs and make informed design decisions.

Stay Updated on Industry Trends

FAANG companies thrive on innovation, and staying updated with the latest industry trends is crucial. Follow tech blogs, attend conferences, and explore whitepapers to understand emerging technologies and the challenges they solve. Demonstrating your knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and industry developments will set you apart from other candidates.

Ace Behavioral and Cultural Fit Interviews

FAANG companies value not only technical skills but also strong communication, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. Prepare compelling stories that highlight your experiences, accomplishments, and how you have dealt with challenges. Familiarize yourself with the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your answers effectively during behavioral interviews.

Leverage Online Resources and Communities

Tap into the vast online resources available to aid your FAANG interview preparation. Websites like Glassdoor and LeetCode offer interview experiences and questions shared by previous candidates. Join online communities like Reddit and LinkedIn groups where you can connect with individuals who have gone through FAANG interviews and gather valuable insights.


Preparing for FAANG company interviews requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. By understanding the unique culture of each company, enhancing your technical knowledge, solving mock interview questions, and staying updated on industry trends, you can increase your chances of realizing your dream.